Wednesday, June 27

six things of note today...

today i wish that i did not have to use my beautiful and useful apple crates as a barricade in the bedroom...

  however if i want fresh air and no hounds making a leap to a certain death or yet another gigantic vet bill then it has to be so...

i found the tiniest swallow babe dead on the barn floor this morning, fallen from its nest or died and pushed out by its mama... so beautiful.. carefully placed in soft hay and laid to rest....

i have been bitten by a creature with huge jaws..
unfortunately it is at the top of my right buttock which when i am caught by passersby furiously scratching, it does create the illusion that i have worms...
thankfully there will be no picture with point three... ahem

i have decided to re open my Etsy shop...
i keep faffing about if i should or not ,and today have made the decision to go go go...

all items will be made by my own fair hands and all money raised will go towards our charity..
alongside our own rescue work the RSPCA seem to need us to take in hens, cockerels, geese and  rabbits - they all need houses....

one of our precious marsh daisy hens has come over all broody...

 i am enormously proud of her but just wish that she had chosen one of the many nests lower down rather than this hay rack.....

 i may never sleep again until these eggs have hatched and i have lifted the newest family to safer ground...

or knitted individual tiny parachutes ..
but who can trust a new mother hen to kit out her kids with safety gear?

i spy elderflowers starting to bloom...
 at long last

t x

1 comment:

  1. I am glad we don't have a photo for three either!
    look forward to seeing your elderflower produce and wishing you luck with the shop.


oh my...
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